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Does Rosacea Go Away on Its Own?

Does Rosacea Go Away on Its Own?

For most, blush is a cosmetic staple, but if you have rosacea, you’ve got a rosy glow built into your beauty routine. If only it stopped there. Rosacea suffers know it causes more than just a perpetual bloom. 

This tinted skin issue can also come with swollen bumps, a burning sensation, an enlarged nose, and even eye problems. 

With all that to worry about, you’re probably hoping that the problem will just go away on its own without any fuss. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly that simple. 

In this blog, our team of expert dermatologists at Sanford Dermatology shares the truth about what you can expect from rosacea

Does rosacea go away on its own?

Sadly, no — rosacea is not something that will resolve on its own. There are instances where the condition subsides for a time, but that can be misleading. A flare-up is almost always on the heels of a rosacea recession. 

Rosacea flare-ups can come from just about anywhere, including environmental, lifestyle, and biological factors. The most common triggers are:

Some flare-ups last for a few weeks or up to a few months. No one quite understands where rosacea comes from, but most blame an overactive immune system, genetics, environmental factors, or a combination of all three.

What happens if rosacea goes untreated?

If you leave rosacea to its own devices, you’ll not only be disappointed that it hasn’t gone away, but it could get much worse. Over time and with each flare-up, the redness intensifies — and so does the risk of accompanying complications. 

What are my treatment options?

There’s no cure for rosacea, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope in treatment. Our dedicated team of dermatologists specializes in treating rosacea and helping you take back your skin. We carefully evaluate your situation and depending on the severity of your condition, we may recommend the following:

We provide expert counsel about the best clinical-grade skin care products you can use in the comfort of your own home to minimize redness and irritation. You can also count on us to walk you through practical strategies to avoid triggers to give your rosacea battle plan a boost. 

It’s time to go to the mattresses with rosacea — and we’re here to help. Call or click to schedule an appointment at any one of our three conveniently located North Carolina offices.

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