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What Causes Rosacea?

What Causes Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects more than 14 million people in the United States. 

Whether you’re lucky enough to get away with some redness and a few visible veins, or your rosacea has wrecked your skin almost beyond recognition, we’re here for you. 

Our team at Sanford Dermatology has years of experience with rosacea. We take a compassionate and comprehensive approach to rosacea treatment, starting with helping you understand exactly what’s happening to your skin. 

Where rosacea comes from

Perhaps the most frustrating part of rosacea is that no one really understands why it happens. Most point to a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. For instance, you’re more likely to develop rosacea if you have Celtic or Scandinavian ancestors. Women are also more at risk, but men who develop rosacea tend to have more severe symptoms. 

What we do know for sure is certain things trigger rosacea flare-ups and make your symptoms worse. Triggers are unique to each person with rosacea, but they generally include:

You might also have certain bacteria in your system that trigger rosacea. An intestinal bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and a bacteria produced by skin mites called Bacillus oleronius have both been associated with rosacea flare-ups. 

There are also some prescription medications (namely blood pressure medication) that dilate your blood vessels and make rosacea flare-ups more common. 

How to treat rosacea

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for rosacea; once you have it, you have it. But that doesn’t stop our compassionate team of dermatologists from helping you temper your flare-ups. 

There may be no way to get rid of rosacea completely, but there are plenty of treatments we can recommend. We begin by thoroughly evaluating your skin, medical history, and family history to understand exactly what’s causing your rosacea. 

Then, we create a treatment plan, which, depending on your needs, may include the following:

We also offer clinical-grade skin care products that fit seamlessly into your regular regimen. Our recommended products perfectly complement our advanced treatments and allow you to control flare-ups on your own. 

Every treatment plan includes education and counseling on common rosacea triggers and how to avoid them. We might advise you to change your diet, adjust your medications, add or remove steps from your skin care routine, manage stress, and/or protect your skin during extreme temperatures. 

Rosacea is a chronic condition that only improves with diligent skin care and specialized treatment. Don’t face another flare-up on your own. Call or click today to schedule a consultation at any of our three conveniently located offices serving Greater Sanford, Pittsboro, and Lillington, North Carolina.

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